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I am Kristin and welcome to Breathe Again Myo & Lactation.  Thank you for taking the opportunity to understand how Orofacacial Myofunctional Dysfunction can affect your life and health and how, with a MYO therapy program, you or your loved one can begin to feel better.  Also, having support with feeding your baby after the transition from hospital to home and throughout your journey can feel difficult at times. I am here to help find ways to make it more manageable for you and your family and help your baby thrive. 

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My Story

I first became interested in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy at the suggestion of a Speech, Language and Hearing Pathologist. Having previously been a full time hygienist for 18 years, I had an understanding of the oral and facial anatomy to be able to notice that there are many that suffer with issues that our dental field does not recognize as we are not trained in these things in dental or hygiene school, as well as doctors in medical school.  So I sought out avenues of extra education and training to further my knowledge in this area and opening my own small business.  


I was enthralled with how much poor tongue posture, mouth breathing, improper chewing and swallowing, and tongue ties can affect the whole body.  It became personal after finding out my own son was exhibiting symptom’s that were directly related to his tongue tie, dysfunction and mouth breathing.  If only I had known then what I know now, my breastfeeding journey would also have been much more successful and enjoyable.  This fueled my passion to help him and others…babies and breastfeeding mothers, children, and adults who were told they would “grow out of it”, or “there is nothing wrong”.


I pursued further education and finally to mentor and coach patients as well as obtain the skills to become a certified lactation counselor to broaden the age range of patients that I can help. I became determined to educate others in the dental and medical fields as well as build an airway focused community of providers to collaborate in my local area.  Additionally, I have cultivated many resources to connect patients with providers outside of my local area.


Now, I continuously seek to expand my knowledge and offer best practice techniques to the comprehensive therapy programs and lactation support that I design specifically for each person’s needs. Happily, I can confidently say that a successful therapy program or lactation support can guide you or your loved one to overall better health and change your life!


Myo Mentor Graduate 2020

Certified Lacatation Consultant 2023

IBCLC(International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)- July 2024

UCSD extended studies IBCLC graduate 2023

Certified Lite Tongue Tied Academy graduate 2022

Associates of Science in Dental Hygiene 2005

Oral Function & Reflexes 

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Continuing: Myo Munchee, Buteyko breathing Clinic 


Airway Circle

Health Latch Circle

American Laser Study Club

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