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happy clients

An person that achieves an improved quality of life; it's why I do what I do.

Here are a few of my 'reasons'.


To protect patient privacy, images are representations only and not the actual patient.

Sandy D.
June 2021

In early 2020, as a lifelong allergy sufferer I decided to research ways to improve my lung capacity to avoid Covid-19, or at least strengthen my ability to fight it.   James Nestor’s book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, was on the NY Times bestseller list.   Mr. Nestor made it clear that humans are meant to breathe in and exhale through our noses, not our mouths, and improper breathing can cause health issues.  Recognizing myself as a slack-jawed mouth breather it was obvious I should pursue ways to improve my breathing.  

Imagine my delight to learn that Kristin Jarvis, my Dental Hygienist, is also a Myofunctional Therapist.  In our initial consultation, Kristin explained her program was designed to help me retrain my breathing and swallowing muscles and habits over a period of months.  She explained the types of health issues that could worsen if I continued mouth breathing.  Kristin provided written and video explanations of how myofunctional therapy worked.  Kristin did an initial assessment and measurements of my mouth.  It was up to me to decide if I was willing to put in the work!  

Kristin provided a schedule of daily exercises to be logged.  We met bi-weekly for five months, with telehealth and in-office visits.  After reviewing progress on the bi-weekly log, Kristin assigned new exercises, and sometimes repeat exercises.  She also reminded me of the goals for the next two-week period.  Periodic re-measurements helped validate my progress.  Kristin was always available to answer questions on exercises between visits. 

After five months of intense exercises, I am happy to report that Kristin trained me to be a nasal-breather throughout the day, at night, and even when walking outside at a fast pace!  Kristin Jarvis is an effective, motivational Myofunctional Therapist, encouraging me through the whole program.    

Hide and Seek

Parent Testimonial

After years of questioning my daughter’s doctors (multiple pediatricians over the years because we are a military family) on things I noticed about her such as poor posture, saliva build up when she speaks, speech issues, and being unable to lick her lips, her new dentist finally diagnosed her with a tongue tie.

All of the concerns I had were related to being tongue tied. He recommended that she see Kristin at Breathe Again MYO for therapy before and after surgery to strengthen her tongue and to improve the results of her tongue tie release.

Surgery and therapy have been life changing for my daughter! She sleeps better, her posture has improved, she no longer has saliva build up when she speaks, and she has way more control over her tongue. The before and after pictures are mind blowing! Kristin was thorough, clearly explained and demonstrated the exercises she had to do, and regularly followed up on her progress between visits. As awkward as this kind of therapy is for a 16 year old, Kristin made my daughter feel comfortable, relaxed, and motivated to complete her therapy!

After being diagnosed with mouth breathing, sleep apnea, and tongue tie, a sleep doctor referred me to Kristin Jarvis for myofunctional therapy. Working with Kristin has been an amazing experience! She is highly skilled, knowledgeable, and compassionate therapist. She helped me correct my mouth breathing habits, supported me with therapy exercises in preparation for a lingual frenectomy, and is now working with me after my frenectomy to achieve maximum results. While I was skeptical about beginning this journey at age 65, I can honestly say it is one of the best health decisions I have ever made. Therapy at Breathe Again Myo has changed my life in so many positive wasy. With her therapeutic expertise and highly individualized approach, Kristin's expert guidance can help anyone who is willing to put in the work to achieve amazing results!
Wishing you the Best of Health,
Theresa C.
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